Doctor Xivelle had a lot of paperwork to do. One of the joys of being the Citadel's lead Medical Consultant - they hadn't granted her the title of Director... Yet. It meant her designated work hours didn't actually end when she left the Infirmary for the day. Today had been especially taxing - several training injuries, a migraine that was causing everything to levitate within her work area - and the crowning achievement: Cadet Hoob having got his hand stuck in a cylindrical canister as he attempted to reach down to get that last crisp.

Even the glass of emerald wine she had poured for herself as a last-ditch attempt to force relaxation upon herself was not enough to shrug off the cringe that came with that particular case.

She had lost track of the time, despite expecting company. It wasn't that she was thoughtless, but more lost in thought, lost in the rapture and loathing of the mundane. Her time within The Empire had been mostly lost to shadow, to the areas unspoken where normal routines simply did not exist. Now here, at The Citadel? Everything felt so beautifully ordinary and yet she never forgot that she was a mere human surrounded by those gifted in ways she could never be but was endlessly fascinated by.

So paperwork wasn't dreaded, but it was far from adored and the welcome distraction of her door chime felt so very much like what it was supposed to appear as.

Anastasia hovered at the doorway, and the false annoyance she was supposed to feel at her guest for the evening wasn't entirely faked. Her lower lip was teased at with her teeth subtly as she eyed the Knight who stood at the threshold. Fake or not, there was no denying that the man looked damn impressive in his chosen attire. Something about the way the long black coat folded around him; well, the Doctor couldn't deny that it suited Lord Jibral on many levels.

However much of a reaction his appearance caused to certain portions of her mind that she utterly wanted to silence, another organ took an entirely different precedence as it growled in reminder she hadn't eaten since mid afternoon.

"Are you kidding? It's been ages since I had that. And late or not, you are the most welcome sight I've had all day."

And with that she stepped aside and ushered him within her quarters. It struck her a bit odd how little acting she had to do in the public eye before her door closed and locked them both within, but right at the moment? Anastasia was far too tired, too busy, and too hungry to give a damn.