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Thread: Byzantine Friendships

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Cizerack Byzantine Friendships

    Part of the burden of leadership went beyond the tasks of command. You didn't clock out from that responsibility. You carried it with you off duty as well. That went double on a posting as big as Jovan Station, itself a self-contained community in space. On duty, T'yeellaa was K'ohta'rrou Meorrrei, executive officer to Commander Akiena. Off duty? The respect followed, as did the responsibilities. You were expected to participate in the community, to lead by example and be visible in doing so.

    That's why when one of your junior officers held a wedding on the station and invited you, you attended.

    As the sun priestess finished the nuptial liturgies in Cizeri, she lifted the saffron-tinted body veil from Su'taun'rrou Miiarra Kaaiarroya's newly-betrothed. The fifty-or-so gathered in attendance held their applause as Miiarra finally clasped her kaa'rri around her handsome groom's neck. Then, applause filled the conference room.

    T'yeellaa readily clapped in approval, glancing to her right to see if Kes had gotten bored from standing through thirty minutes of liturgy he didn't understand.

    "Sstjill wjith me, Commanderr?"

    The Priestess let the applause ebb momentarily, then spoke again. T'yeellaa translated for one of the few non-Cizeri in the room.

    "The Prrjiesstess jiss gjivjing a thjirrtjy mjinute rrecesss to grreet the couple beforre rreceptjion sstarrtss."

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    His dress uniform was spotless and crisp. His boots had been polished. His posture was straight and respectful. His hands clasped before him in politeness, and on his face was a thin, barely-seen smile. Throughout the ceremony he had stood as such, not really understanding the words spoken, but the intent they conveyed was one that was easy to grasp. He'd been to enough weddings to know how the tone was meant to be, and in a way the Cizerack were no different. The outer dressing was not the same of course, but what was underneath was much the same all across the galaxy. It was... an enjoyable thing to see, when two individuals made the decision to spend the rest of their lives together.

    Oh, he was quite aware that Cizeri women often took more than one husband, but the sentiment still applied, he felt.

    As T'yeellaa provided a translation to the Priestess' words, the redhead gave a sideways look to his second-in-command.

    In a voice equally as quiet as hers, he asked a very important question.

    "Will there be chairs to sit in at the reception?"

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    She should have been ready for that question. Still, the sheer human innocence of it startled her, and T'yeellaa grimaced at it. Diplomatically, she probed at an answer.

    "jI...thjink we sshould prrobabljy excusse ourrsselvess beforre the rreceptjion sstarrtss."

    Poor Kes Akiena. Poor T'yeellaa, for that matter. Cizeri wedding receptions might even be beyond her now. What a strange thought.

    "We sshould pajy ourr well wjisshess to the couple. Come on."

    Her mind was still on other things. Would Samus ever want to... She hardly thought he would.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    There was an expression that fell over his face. Something of unsurprised resignation. Of course it stood to reason that a Cizerack reception would be something he might not need to attend for who knew what reason... except, he had a sudden realization of what that reason was.

    "Seems prudent," he nodded.

    Gesturing for T'yeellaa to lead the way, the redhead rolled his shoulders as his stance shifted, loosening up his stiff posture as he did his best to expand the confining interior of his dress boots.

    Despite all of that, his smile returned with ease.

    "Ladies first, K'ohta'rrou."

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Her smile returned, and T'yeellaa waggled a contrary finger at her commanding officer.

    "Ah, ah. Not todajy. The men go fjirrsst."

    She gestured to the lines that were quickly separating by the sexes. With a cheeky grin, she leaned in to whisper.

    "The trradjitjion goess, jyou wjissh the couple well, then do jyourr besst to charrm awajy the brrjide frrom herr chojice one lasst tjime."

    The K'ohta'rrou gave the commander an appraising look.

    "Who knows? jYou mjight get lucky."

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    At that he couldn't help but chuckle as he deferred to the customs of the day.

    "My years of 'getting lucky' at someone else's wedding are long gone," he grinned good-naturedly while stepping past her.

    A parting pat to her shoulder, and Kes moved to stand gamely in the queu. Ahead of him were a fair offering of well-wishers, and all dressed in their best; hair perfect and eyes glinting in happiness. It felt good to move about again, and his limbs felt better now that they weren't so immobile.

  7. #7
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Miiarra's eyes brightened as Commander Akiena made the head of the line.

    "Commanderr Akjiena!"

    The normally plain-attired command staff clerk glittered today. Her hair sat coiffed atop her head in impossible arrangements of ringlets and flower petals. Large blue eyes were accentuated with impeccable makeup. Her ears raised, tinkling the array of glittering earrings dangling three in a row along each long ear. She took Kes's hands graciously as her betrothed, a man named Antuurru, gave Kes a smile and a deferential nod.

    "jI'm sso glad jyou could come to ourr weddjing. Thank jyou!"

    Miiarrra was airy and elated, with a big smile of white teeth that couldn't be mistaken for anything less than genuine.

    "Miiarra ssajyss sso much about jyou, Commanderr. jI'm glad to meet jyou." Antuurru rested a hand on his shoulder, equally as genuine.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    His own smile grew, and Kes gave a respectful nod as his own arm snaked up and around Antuurru's own do deliver a heartfelt pat to his upper back. Antuurru was a strapping, strong man that commanded all around to take notice; it was easy to see why Miiarra had chosen him.

    "It's always a wonderful thing to see two people find happiness together," he encouraged.

    His off-hand went to Miiarra's shoulder in a firm, no-nonsense grip then as he turned his eyes to her. His smile remained through it all, a natural expression for him.

    "Take an extra day to spend time with Antuurru, Miiarra. We'll survive well enough without you for that much. It's the least that I can offer the two of you."

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Well...thank jyou ssjirr!"

    Miiarra exchanged a quick glance and smile with Antuurru, and returned her attention to Kes. She smiled airily a second or two longer. Indeed, it seemed like everyone was now looking at Kes, T'yeellaa included. The K'ohta'rrou broke the silence with a mischievous grin.

    "Assk herr to sspend the extrra dajy wjith jyou jinsstead!"

    The comment elicited a few hoots and claps of approval. Even from the groom, who smiled and nodded along with the crowd.

    Kes wasn't going to aw shucks his way out of this one.

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    He wasn't really the blushing type, and now was certainly no exception. But still, the challenge had been pressed, and so in the interest of observing cultural norms, Kes grudgingly allowed himself the indulgence. After all, there was certainly no way that things of this nature could backfire... he desperately hoped, at least. His smile remained even as he disengaged from Antuurru and focused on Miiarra.

    "Of course, I suppose that if you feel inclined when you return to duty, we could go over the intricacies of all the supply orders you missed; in triplicate if it comes to that."

    Miiarra had always been a stickler for making sure that her orders and lists were in order and up to date, and her often lingering presence to ensure those things had not gone unnoticed. It was that knowledge that he pulled from now.

    "Your attention to each detail hasn't gone unnoticed, and I'd welcome the chance to express my utmost thanks for your meticulous eye on behalf of the rest of the station."

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It was roundabout, but artful. Miiarra smiled sweetly, and demurred as expected.

    "Thank jyou, Commanderr, but jI thjink jI won't be avajilable forr all thosse extrra hourrss togetherr."

    The bride took Kes's hand, pressed the knuckles to her lips, and gently let him loose.

    The next 'unsuccessful' suitor stepped up to try his hand, and Kes was off the hook. After a few minutes, the line snaked by, allowing the women their turn at well-wishing - and trying their hand at stealing away Antuurru. T'yeellaa gave it her best, gave the couple her best wishes, and was soon reunited with her commanding officer at the back of the room.

    "Well," she spoke with a loop in her tail, "jI ssupposse that'ss ourr communjitjy sserrvjice forr the dajy. jI know jI'm takjing jyou awajy frrom djinnerr at the rreceptjion, but take mjy worrd forr that one. How about ssome place eassjierr? Mjy trreat."

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Her knowledge of his own culinary boundaries was one of the things that he greatly appreciated about his unofficial guide to Cizeri culture, and Kes gave T'yeellaa a grateful nod. He trusted her when it came to matters as this, and more often than not deferred to her instincts. But, she didn't need to pay for his meal.

    "Dinner sounds wonderful, but don't think you have to cover my ticket."

    One last look to the throng of well-wishers and the happy couple, and Kes finally let his eyes turn to his K'ohta'rrou with a smile.

    "If anything, I think I'm the one that owes you a meal."

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "jYou'rre jusst djyjing to flex jyourr human chjivalrrjy todajy, arren't jyou?"

    T'yeellaa's nose scrunched with a smile, and she held up both white-gloved hands in surrender.

    "Okajy, jyourr trreat. jI wouldn't want to be a pauperr. A K'ohta'rrou'ss ssalarrjy onljy goess sso farr."

    "Commanderr Akjiena."

    A voice singled Kes out, and T'yeellaa followed the source. A woman stood ahead in a cowled robe. She quickly drew back her hood, revealing her face and the golden brooch that had been shaded beneath it.

    T'yeellaa's eyes widened slightly. It was the sigil of the Royal House of Feessarro.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    He knew that sigil, and the weight it carried. His posture stiffened once more, hands coming together in a show of respect as he gave a bow to the woman that had called his name. A herald of the Feessarro line was not to be given anything less than the utmost of grace, and Jovan's commander was meticulous in his deliverance. But, at the same time to see such a woman at an event like this... it was far beyond unexpected.

    For now, the dinner that he and T'yeellaa had planned to share would be pushed to the side.

    "I am he."

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The courier simply drew into her robe and presented a vellum and gold leaf envelope to the Commander.

    "Frrom the Emjisssarrjy to the Thrrone."

    With that, the woman hooded herself once again, and slipped away in the crowd.

    Behind Kes, T'yeellaa stood with brows raised.

    "A Rrojyal courrjierr. Don't ssee that everrjydajy."

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Well," came the bemused reply as he turned the envelope over in his hands," at least she didn't run up to me without warning."

    And it was the truth; he'd had his fill of unexpected messages being delivered in just that fashion as of late. To have someone pass along a letter - a letter - in such a civilized manner was refreshing.

    Both Commander and K'ohta'rrou extricated themselves from the festivities, stepping from the chapel hall with little to no fanfare to signal their departure. It was a quiet exit that was savored.

    Still, he held the envelope, and as the two entered into the closest lift, the redhead looked to his second as a finger poised at the wax seal.

    "Bets on the contents?"

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Hell jif jI know."

    T'yeellaa was devilishly curious. The last time the royal house was on Jovan, she honestly didn't think Kes had made that big of an impression one way or another.

    "Onljy one perrsson jin thjiss ljift hass everr gotten a rrojyal mjisssjive beforre, and jI'm lookjing at hjim."

    There was an awkward silence as the lift ascended. She gently rocked back and forth on her feet.

    "jYou gonna open jit orr not?"

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It was a rare, candid moment between two friends. Well, he hoped that they were friends. Their initial introduction had been terribly rocky at best, but circumstances had thrust them together in a strange alliance that yielded ever-changing results, and Kes couldn't help the playful elbow that he gently sent into her side while pushing his finger through the wax. It came away with a satisfying snap, like breaking Ithorian butter crisps in half.

    Without a word, he reached delicately inside to slide out a single piece of cardstock, making sure that it was presented in front of both their eyes.

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    There was something about the details of it all. The very act of sending a courier with a physical missive, and one as gorgeous as this. Vellum envelope with wax seal showing the royal crest. Gold leaf. Ink. A handwritten message, carried a few light years by person, in an age of instantaneous HoloNet messaging. Of course, this shouldn't be shocking to T'yeellaa. This was the world she'd been born into. Still, she'd been away long enough to appreciate the absurdity.

    Peering around Kes to read, she could see the cursive script was written in Basic, not Cizeri. That might have been obvious to a layman, but it shoud never be underestimated how haughty the Cizeri royal house could be. Even a personal missive to an alien might still be in the mother tongue, and they'd expect the lucky recipient to find a translator. Not this case.

    Dear Commander Akiena,

    I trust this letter finds you well. I regret that we only had so much time in our previous encounter with which to interact. Your tireless service as administrator of Jovan Station has not gone unnoticed on Carshoulis, and I wish to convey the satisfaction of the High Mother Kiiataarra Feessaarro to the dispensation of your duty. As members in good standing of the Alliance of Free planets, the Cizerack Pride takes its commitment to the goals of combined prosperity, trade, and defense of our neighbor star systems. I would like to discuss our continued good relationship in person, on the mother world. I cordially invite you to be my guest in a more informal setting. I trust this will meet with your satisfaction.

    In great friendship,
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
    Emissary and First Consort to the Pride Mother

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    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Well then.

    He read the letter three more times, just to be certain of what he was reading. Not exactly what he'd been expecting, Kes let out a puzzled 'hmph', as he looked up in thought, staring at the doors of the lift. Slowly, the letter was returned to the envelope, and he flipped the vellum closed without looking.

    What was there to say, really? He half-turned, opening his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the seemingly over-happy ding! of the lift as it slowed to a stop. The doors opened, revealing a gaggle of individuals impatiently waiting for the two passengers to file out so that they could rush in.

    Leading the way through a sea of bodies, Kes looked to T'yeellaa.

    "Fish bar sound good to you?"

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