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Thread: Ambassador Wrath

  1. #1

    Star Wars Ambassador Wrath

    Several Centuries :: The Hutts / Rath Cartel :: Crime Lord / Entrepreneur

    Currently on: Cloud City

    Character Background

    • Rath was the black sheep of his kajidic until recently (the last century), working as a thug/enforcer for the Hutts. Recently however he became leader of the kajidic after some suspicious deaths in the family.
    • His business empire began on Rodia. He started out with a few local firms to build his profits, and then embarked on a campaign of foreclosure purchases and hostile takeovers to acquire new businesses, incorporating them into his empire to reap the credits.
    • He was a supporter of the Zann Consortium, and seized many of the organisation's leftovers when Tyber Zann died.
    • He has recently acquired Ubrikkian Industries and Rothana Heavy Engineering, and is trying to establish himself as an important military contractor for the Outer Rim.

    Raw Material

    • Calls himself "Wrath" because he likes the connotations of that word in basic.
    • Wrath refers to himself as "Ambassador", because humans tend to be more respectful and amenable if they think they're dealing with someone important/fancy. The Hutt Cartel considers this more or less official, because being a diplomat isn't very Huttly - betterhim than someone else.
    • Views criminal activity as a means to an end. He relies mostly on smart business tactics, and uses less legal means just as a way to grease the wheels when needed. He is not above bribes, blackmail, or outright murder, but he finds that side of the business tiresome.
    • Often employs humans to run the companies that he owns. In his experience, humans are deeply bigoted, and are much more likely to cut a deal with his companies if they present a friendly, human face.
    • Wrath owns the Trest casino on Cloud City, and is embarking on other business ventures there.
    • Has a shady (Imperial) benefactor he knows only as "Sarlacc". The Rath Cartel acts as their third party whenever Sarlacc needs something shady / off the books done without any evident involvement by the Empire.

    Plot Ideas

    • An embassy on Jovan Station, as an "in" for business deals in the Alliance, and to help make him a legit Ambassador?
    • Selling military hardware to the Alliance from Rothana Heavy Engineering. Possibly weapons contracts from Czerka Arms as well.
    • Investing in Cloud City / Greater Javin. Ubrikkian Industries already makes cloud cars - he will be trying to cash in on that.
    • Friction with Black Sun? Wrath might not be one of the Hutts they usually deal with.
    • Friction with the Tenloss Syndicate.
    • Friction with The Exchange?
    • Annoying his cousin, Okar the Fabulous.

    Existing Relationships

    • Sarlacc - Shadowy benefactors. Rath doesn't know who they are, but doesn't care: they pay well.
    • Okar the Fabulous - Cousin. Effeminate nancy. Wishes he would Hutt up and stop with his silly fashion ideas.
    • Ghtroc the Hutt - Underling. Wrath's go-to engineer. Chief designer of Ghtroc Industries.
    • Avar Adamas - Enforcer. Trapped in Wrath's employ because of gambling debts.
    • Tavi - Wrath's Toydarian accountant. Also his personal chef.
    • Chir'daki - Bounty Hunter. "On Retainer". Often used at Sarlacc's insistence.
    • Nychus Antirr - Agent. Former Sector Ranger. Acts as a spy, operative, and "envoy" for Wrath as needed.
    • Zelenka Lassiter - Agent. Former Alliance Intelligence. Wrath sprung her from Imperial prison in exchange for her services.

    Current Plots

    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Ambassador Wrath; Apr 6th, 2017 at 06:27:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Unless you already had something established as to why you have issues with Black Sun, perhaps something could be arranged? (As in helping all that fall out instead of me working for you behind the scenes)

  3. #3
    I suppose I can spare an iota or two of my valuable attention for such a pretty little human.

    I do own Czerka Arms, which makes a lot of unorthodox / bounty hunter type weapons. I own TransGalMeg too, which (in Star Wars Galaxies at least) made starfighters for Black Sun. Maybe that sort of arms dealing stuff would be a good starting place, to set him apart from the drug/spice Hutts you might otherwise deal with?

  4. #4
    Sounds good, just let me know when and where.


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