There was no formal word in her native Mando'a for what she was as the sister of Mand'alor...she was simply one of many, and content to be so. Addressing her as alor was a deft touch by this Lord Adonis Inirial as he so named himself, and Beviin favored him with a smile that warmed her features for it. She took a moment to appraise him closely, her dark eyes coursing over the visual he presented. Critical, analyzing. Purely taking stock. Certainly not noticing that he was a rather nice place to rest the eyes.

Indeed not.

Beviin returned the polite bow of his head with an inclination of her own. "Thank you for the welcome, Commander. Please, do not trouble yourself over the lack of preparations. Though we did not wish for anything formal to be prepared, you should have received word that I was going to be arriving. I'll have to have a word with our Ambassador." It was years of training and conditioning that kept her tone light and jovial, nevermind the presence of the other Mando'ade around her. One or two in particular of whom would have taken exception to her poor opinion of Alec Tallen. Best keep that one to herself, she mused absently, before turning her thoughts back onto their proper course.

"When you have gone through all the trouble of setting up such an endeavor as Jovan Station, it only seemed proper to come see it for ourselves." She continued, briefly casting her gaze around the hangar bay. Inirial. Something about the name was lingering just at the fringe of recognition, and it truly bothered her. She'd heard it before, of that she was certain, and not simply in the briefings about the Station that she'd received. Bah. Nothing would shake itself out of her memory so she gave it up for the time being.

Her dark gaze settled over her shoulder on Mackenzie, and she gave him a nod. "Tallen bal Goran, sur'ulur te rusur."**

Beviin returned her attention to Adonis and renewed her smile in the process. "If I might be so bold, Commander, is there somewhere that we could speak privately? There are a few things I would like to discuss."


**Transl. "Tallen and Goran, keep an eye on the ships."