Thirties? :: For Hire :: Mercenary/Hunter

Currently: anywhere he needs to be

Character Background

  • Niko is a mercenary notorious for his brutality. While he does work bounties from time to time, he has little interest in the "or alive" aspect. He has no real sense of honour or code of morals: he is just extremely angry, and enjoys killing.

Raw Material

  • Niko is force-sensitive, but has absolutely no training whatsoever. He draws upon the dark side in the same sort of way that a barbarian in D&D uses their rage ability.
  • He has a Shroedinger relationship with some of my other characters - he is both connected to and not connected to Chir'daki, and/or Soto Terius, and/or Amos Iakona at the same time, and I won't really know for definite one way or the other until the story ends up forcing me to decide. So, expect lots of references and allusions and things.

Plot Ideas

  • Murder.
  • Light maiming.
  • Mild peril.
  • Viewer discretion advised.

Existing Relationships

  • None yet.

Current Plots

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D