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Thread: Draiya Naaianeya

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Jedi Draiya Naaianeya

    Draiya Naaianeya
    Age 14 :: Syragori-born Jedi :: Padawan Learner

    Currently on Ossus

    Character Background

    • Stands 5'4" and weighs 115 pounds
    • Human native of Syragor; subect of the Cizerack Pride
    • Grew up in an impoverished home in Syragor's slums
    • Her family scraped together a living offworld as part of a merchant caravan
    • Separated from her family during an Imperial attack, Draiya was rescued by Ben Merasska and brought to the Jedi Order
    • Trains under Jedi Master Serena Laran

    Raw Material

    • Speaks Syragori Cizeri - a patois dialect of Cizeri distinct to her homeworld
    • Speaks Basic, though with a trace accent
    • Her last name is a Cizerack name, a byproduct of generations of cultural assimilation
    • Something of a latchkey kid, so she's got a lot of frugal habits from growing up poor
    • Specializes in Form IV - Ataru lightsaber combat
    • Wields a pair of green shoto lightsabers
    • Draiya has a prodigal connection to the living force, and is particularly at ease in detecting life presence and it's connections around her
    • Conversely, Draiya has a difficult time conceptualizing the unifying force and seeing it's effects in nonliving things
    • Draiya excels in crafting illusions and mind tricks, and is learning telepathic communication with her master
    • She has a great deal of difficulty with any telekinesis. It can be done, but only with objects that are extremely familiar to her
    • Has dealt with a recurring problem of pride and arrogance and their influence over her
    • Has a bit of a tomboy streak, and prefers a good sweaty brawl more often than not

    Plot Ideas

    • Continues to refine her training to work past the pitfalls of pride and arrogance
    • Searches out and confronts Abarai Loki to further fulfill her journey of self improvement
    • Returns home to Syragor to settle family trouble
    • Helps to rescue prisoners held by the Empire
    • Has an awkward crush on a boy (punch 'em to show you like 'em)
    • Helps hunt down Cizerack terrorists on Jovan station

    Existing Relationships

    • Serena Laran | Jedi Master - Draiya often finds herself challenged by the example Master Laran sets for her to follow
    • Abarai Loki | Jedi Knight - She holds Knight Loki in high esteem, considering him a mentor to her in many ways
    • Akasha Khan | Jedi Padawan - A rival padawan that Draiya strives to surpass
    • Teagan s'Ilancy | Jedi Padawan - Initially she didn't like her much, but Draiya is starting to warm up Tak
    • Dolin Hu | Y'sanna - A strangely-brusque native of Ossus who has insisted on becoming Draiya's friend.

    Current Plots

    Last edited by Draiya Naaianeya; Oct 18th, 2015 at 11:58:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Scout Ravenwood
    I really want Draiya and Scout to become friends . Or you know, at least acquaintances in padawanship. Maybe Draiya could be assigned Scout as a sparring partner to help improve her skills? Scout is three years older than Draiya so being assigned a 'junior' partner could be a fun angle to use; with Scout being a little humiliated she's constantly losing to a 14 year old and Draiya's pride getting bigger because she can defeat older girls easily?

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
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    Apr 2012
    I like the dynamic. Draiya having the patience to help a less experienced padawan catch up with things is a pretty good way for her to confront her problems with pride, and hopefully they both grow from the experience. I'd rather not have Draiya relapse but I don't think getting rid of those feelings happens overnight, so shes still pretty transitional.

    The characters have a lot of common ground and a lot of differences so I'm interested to see how they react to each other.

  4. #4
    Scout Ravenwood
    It could work quite well. And Scout's quite goody goody, so perhaps she could influence Draiya in a positive direction too? To be a little more selfless and less prideful (especially if she's helping Scout). She'd start to want Scout to do well instead of just beating her every time, perhaps?


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