If Supergirl, here, Holly and I came to the same conclusion on your point, then perhaps it was your point that wasn't clear, and others have interpreted it in another way. Just saying. I also never said anything about anyone who was, might be, or should be dead, or anything about resurrecting a character. That subject is completely beyond the pale, in relationship to anything I said.

I said I wanted to be Hal. It appeared you had an issue with that, which is clear, now, that you didn't. But, what you're saying about picking one mindset and sticking with it, doesn't clarify one mindset at all.

The "roll with it" attitude I'm presuming we're all going to operate under is the same one I presume we operate under for SW RP: Do what you like, be respectful of others, and if something is an issue, find a way to work it out instead of letting it be a stumbling block. Am I under the wrong impression, there? If another GL wants to roll into the mix, awesome; there'll probably be a great way to bring them in, and I think we should leave the method of their entry up to the new player as much as possible. And, if someone wants to play a GL, and doesn't know a lot about them, let them ask us, and we'll be glad to help. Heck, I ask SW stuff all the time, doesn't mean I'm afraid to do something, or feel shut out.

Last thing I wanted was an argument.