I think you're completely and utterly missing what I'm getting at, Mitch - you've got my point completely ass-backwards.

I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with you being Hal Jordan. As I've said, I happen to really like the idea, and I think everyone should be able to do whatever the heck they want, and we can - as we've both said - worry about how to fix any complications if and when they are a problem. I would just like to see that mentality applied equally everywhere: if it's okay to complicate matters with other Green Lanterns (which it is), then it should be okay to, for example, say that Ted Kord is dead (as he usually is in the comics), and then "worry about it later" if anyone does want to come along and play him. Resurrecting Ted Kord and coming up with an excuse to write John Stewart are of about equal difficulty, given how easy it is to bring someone back from the dead in comic books.

Lets pick a mindset and stick to it, rather than applying one mentality now that's completely different from the mentality we had a few days ago.