Alazne Gni smiled as she watched Luna endure an epileptic seizure. When they were fighting up close, it occurred to Alazne Gni that she wasn't employing her entire skill-set in the battle. With her talents in telepathy she coerced the bio-electricity in Luna's brain to essentially short circuit, resulting in a siezure.

"Don't worry, Mistress. I only want Luna to know who beat her and who will always be superior." She knelt and looked into Luna's still conscious eyes, "I defeated you in combat you little rodent. And if you ever attack me again, imagine what else I could do to you."

She sensed apprehension in her Mistress, Lady Frygt was afraid that Alazne Gni reallty might kill the writhing Acolyte. And every cell in Alazne Gni's body said that she wanted to and ought to. But Alazne Gni's higher functions told her that allies and tools were more useful than dead enemies.

She stood up, lightsaber still humming and severed Luna's remaining hand from her body. she spit on Luna and said "Don't you ever forget who I am."

Then she turned to Lady Frygt and said, "I believe we are finished here, Mistress."