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Thread: A re-introduction

  1. #1
    Aaron Nomarr

    A re-introduction

    I am sure most of ya'll don't know or remember me, so I am just putting out a hello to all and asking a couple questions.
    To clarify, its been about 10 months since I've posted here due to having a very time-consuming relationship and some unfortunate personal issues, but I got things worked out and Im back.
    I was wondering if ya'll could fill me in on any major plot arcs I have missed, especially of they have to do with imperial/rebel fleeting.

    I'm sure Reshmar remembers me. ( I hope )

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
    Loklorien s'Ilancy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Oh, about.
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine
    I remember you

    And welcome back! Short story is that the Empire and Alliance have entered a cold war situation, but I'm sure others can expound far better than I could.

    Good to see you back

  3. #3
    Aaron Nomarr
    Thanks Guess this means that I'll be doing mostly non-fleeting things so I dont disturb the peace. Unless small skirmishes dont count, though im pretty rusty

  4. #4
    Fleeting stuff is still do-able, just kinda in little proxy bush war sort of things. Like maybe the empire vs a piratey sect in one star system that the alliance has been using to stir up trouble or vice versa. The Cold War had the viet cong and the mujehedeen so I don't see why we couldn't crib a few notes from that playbook.

  5. #5
    Aaron Nomarr
    Didn't even think of that. I guess empire v ARR battles are out of the question but fighting either neutral or affiliated factions isn't. Maybe to keep things lively we could have some pirates with stolen ARR ships attack an Imperial space station or vice versa (think im garbing this one from the beginning of Dark Force Rising but it might help stir up some trouble. )


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