The sudden downpour from the sprinklers parted around her as she slowly turned to look at the seeping red stain that was soaking into the torn sleeve of her shirt. It was just a graze, nothing major, but the flare of pain was enough to shove her ever closer to an edge she had been teetering on. The strange combination of fire, water, and sirens did nothing to really help the situation, it echoed a faint memory far too much for her liking. A sudden glance to her side that was met by empty air rather than the familiar smug grin of her counterpart was the final nudge as she was forced to be reminded that no, Sol wasn't where he was supposed to be because this guy had removed him from the equation.

Water that fell near her began to freeze, frost forming outwards around the woman as she stared down the area she could only guess that Harriman was behind. There wasn't much in the way of cover, after all. The back of her mind warned against hurling anything that could be redirected at the man but that was the thing, her powers didn't just give momentum to something and hope it landed where it was intended, no... Diana was nothing if not in complete control. A slow smile spread across her lips as the sprinklers were focused upon organizing a two fold attack. The groundwork had already been laid within several seconds of the torrent they brought. A small gesture of her hand accompanied several large icy spikes to suddenly rise up and through the tables that Tom had ducked behind, shattering them in an instant. The process was repeated, this time where the man stood and in that same moment each droplet she could focus upon around him suddenly hardened and shot towards him.

Diana had seen what Tom could do to a single man, but several hundred pinpricks that were willed to tear through him? Even if he was strong enough to push away that which she forced towards him, would he manage to get them all? Would he notice that at the same moment she was already planning her next move? Oh boy... was it a doozy. Problem was she wanted him to not notice the fact that the water raining down on him wasn't the only thing that was bringing a chill to his skin, that adrenaline wasn't the only reason his heart was suddenly beating harder than it had been. Oh Thomas... you really chose to take out the wrong twin in this fight.