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Thread: Crime and Punishment

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    I'm here for war. I'm kidding! I'm here for your sister!
    We'll bang, okay?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Serasai Onashi's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Wherever I wish.
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    Steam ID: vinceisgreat

    Open Thread Crime and Punishment

    "Why did I think it would be entertaining down here?" Serasai Onashi moaned, watching as a bunch of normal looking people strode around doing normal looking colonist/survival things.

    He'd thought it would be a camp, and a bunch of mystical peace-addled monks meditating and levitating shit with their minds. And impressionable and curious young female monks who would be so intrigued by his roguish good looks that he could bed a couple and then leave back to his progressively more boring post on the Novgorod. The former mercenary pondered quitting and going back to his old job before deciding to focus on what was going on around him.

    Because even though it was a camp, it was much, much less interesting than he'd thought. A number of grounded ships were scattered about the landscape, with lines strewn up with clothing hanging from them between the closer ones. The "spaceport" was a patch of ground some thirty meters in diameter, and a number of barely space-worthy ships sat there as well. Around the ships some tents and huts were erected, an especially large one forming the mess hall, reminding him of a campaign he'd taken part in on some dinky planet some years back. He and three others had killed three sentries and came up on the large part of a battalion of defenders eating in a large tent. He tossed in his grenades and they set fire to fabric, killing most of them in less then twenty minutes. They got to shoot maybe fifteen as they staggered out.

    His moan turned into a shout of frustration and a couple of Jedi stared at him as he stalked away.

    "Boring!" he shouted at them without slowing his pace. "Very little alcohol, no whorehouses, no gambling... what kind of port is this?!"

    A girl frowned at him as he slowed down and began to meander again.

    "Hey, do some of that wizard Force shit," he said, merely wanting her to either entertain him or leave him alone. "No? Then turn around and leave me alone."

    Today was a bust.

    "Might as well head back to the shuttle," he grumbled. Maybe that flight lieutenant was willing to go another round in her bunk. Last he remembered she was still miffed that he'd lied about no one being in the bunkroom when they'd done the nasty last time, but four days was more than enough time for her to cool down now, right?

  2. #2
    Cassandra Saska
    Cassie was so bored her brain felt literally numb. She'd felt worthless on the wheel, with her Jedi father, Zeke, teaching Force skills to Padawans and her mundane mother, Carol, hunting for new ships and civilian work, but here it was so much worse! Her dad could use his mind to build structures, holding pieces in place while other workers bolted and welded stuff together. Her mom was busy working to calculate the cost of gathering and using resources, helping to maintain the Jedi Order's shaky budget. They had their skills, they had purpose, they were doing fine. Their marriage even seemed to be improving. But Cassie wasn't good enough at math and wasn't strong enough to help build, so she was shut out of the work process altogether. Her mother had encouraged her to go find Padawans on break and try to talk or play with them. Her father had told her to do some exercise inside the camp's perimeter and stay out of trouble. So Cassie was wearing workout clothes and shuffling around the perimeter looking sulky when a surly-looking man with a ponytail yelled at her.

    "Do some of that wizard Force shit!"

    Cassie gawked at him. Clearly he wasn't a Jedi, but she couldn't tell if he was with the Alliance military or not. He wasn't wearing a uniform, and he didn't carry himself the way the soldiers did. He had a bit more swagger in his step and a little more recklessness in his voice. His attitude was refreshing, but aggravating.

    "I can't, so you're shit out of luck there," she answered, returning the curse out of defiance and a strong urge to do something quote-unquote "bad". "So yeah, go back to your damn shuttle and fly off to a world with hookers and blackjack." Yeah, that seemed like something ridiculous that he'd go for.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    I'm here for war. I'm kidding! I'm here for your sister!
    We'll bang, okay?

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Serasai Onashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Wherever I wish.
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: vinceisgreat
    He turned back to her, one eye narrowed as he regarded her expression and body language.

    "Oho!" he said. "Guess that means you're a transient, eh? Seem young though. And inexperienced. Can't have gotten here by yourself; would've gotten yourself killed. So your pops is here? Did he have some dreams and come here with some harebrained idea that he's Jedi? Or was that your mother?"

    He stopped and considered something a moment.

    "Or your master? You a slave, girl?"

  4. #4
    Cassandra Saska
    "Really?" she asked incredulously. "You honestly think there'd be a slave girl on a planet full of Jedi? And yes, my father is a Jedi, and if he heard what you were saying..."

    Well, her dad probably wouldn't kill him; Jedi didn't seem very big on the idea, though they often fought each other for practice and other people for real using the deadliest melee weapons the galaxy could offer in combination with superpowers born of the universe's cosmic energy. Or something.

    "...well, you'd probably hate it, whatever he did." She folded her arms, weight shifting onto her left foot. "What is a crazy guy like you doing here? Are you with the Alliance? Because if you came here hoping to start gambling, alcohol, or prostitution, you've chosen your site poorly."

    Ugh, this guy! He was...greasy. Sleazy...though she hated to use the word just for the way it sounded. The refreshing feeling of dealing with someone who wasn't patient and passive to the point of being a nuisance was quickly being replaced with the aggravating feeling of dealing with a total asshole. Just her luck, the first non-Jedi she met here would be a jerk with a heart of jerk.


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