Gazing out at the ground level of Iziz City, Ishan could feel the light rain coming in from the open bay doors. The wind had picked up, and a slight breeze waved over him as the flow of air gained intensity. The storm now thundered it's presense, as if Onderon's climate was not welcoming his arrival at all. Pulling his garb tightly around him, Ishan left the shelter that Naj had been so kind to point him towards. He had not come here to sit and wait while a storm passed, his curiosity was far stronger than that. Grinding against the cold winds and terinchal downpour, the Falleen walked the deserted streets.

"Excuse me sir," a voice came from the shadows of an alleyway he was passing, "Could you spare something for a poor beggar." Ishan glanced into the alley to see a man hunched over in a green blanket. "Any amount of money would be appreciated..." The rain came down with a blanket all it's own, and the man lay motionless in the wet enviroment. "Please...."

Ishan cared little for beggars. "Stand up."

The man tried with earnst, but stumbled upon his request, smacking the wet pavement.

"You people discust me."

He turned from the man, and squinted his eyes in the rainfall. Iziz was bigger than he thought.

There must be some place I can find the answers I'm looking for....