The moon had not given him trouble, thanks to a bit of useful information given to him prior to his departure. S’Ilancy was a practiced pilot and knew many secrets about navigating through the galaxy. He’d caught her only moments before he’d left – she’d been returning from a trip herself, but on seeing her, he’d hung out for a few more moments to say hello and see how she was doing.

He much preferred having her around on Balmorra. She was, to some degree, a good way to keep he and his uncle from butting heads so often. She made Alexander lighten up just a bit when needed, and often reminded his uncle that Alexander, though in his twenties, still deserved sometimes to be able to act his age and have a bit of fun.

“It serves as a first line of defense rather well….” He’d replied in response to the King’s comment on the moon of Dxun. His tone was light, as if he were perhaps making a very small and inconsequential quip.

And as Giran then turned to De’Ville to speak with her, Sasha listened, taking in the tone of voice used and the words selected. He studied the way De’Ville interacted with this man, for it would give him some sense about Giran until he got a chance on his own to begin to know him – to understand the way he worked. What would push his buttons. What would anger him or what would allow him to think more clearly. So many factors. So much to learn.

He was seated now, allowing his back to rest against the back of the chair. His hands rested on the arm of the chair, a finger on his left hand absently playing with a very plain platinum band that he wore.

His senses were alert. And for the first time in a while, he felt alive again. He felt the challenge of something new. And a small smile settled over his lips.

“Admittedly some of his politics have worn off on me over time,” The Dark Jedi interjected, an almost impish smirk replacing the smile, “But I’d like to believe Im still open to other views and ways of doing things.” It was clear from the way he spoke that he thought fondly, respectfully of his uncle – but that he was someone of independence who would make his own decisions based on his own beliefs.