This thread is to applaud the community we have here, and to acknowledge the friends we have made. I ask that each person who knows someone here who has been a friend to tell others about at least one. I think sometimes friends often downplay or take for granted how much they mean to each other.


I've gotten to know you better than anyone here...though that isn't hard...seeing as we're often in the same town. You were the best roommate I've ever had, and I always look back to that semester with great memories. You're funny (most of the time), extremely intelligent, and share so many of my likes. Though we disagree on a lot of things, we're good about agreeing to disagree. You're the first number on my cell phone in case something comes up, and I always know I'll have fun around you. You've been a blast in RP ever since me and LV dragged you into this mess, and I couldn't count the hours of discussion we've had over the smallest details. I think you're a blessing, to have come to me in a time of my life where I needed a positive influence, academically, as well as spiritually. Through you're stubborn persistence, I've rekindled my faith in God, as well as myself. I can't quantify how much that means to me.

Lady Vader:

I've known you longer than almost anyone here, and though we were casual acquaintances at best for the first few years, our friendship grew and grew. When you told me you were interning in Birmingham...I was a little scared to meet you. I'd never met anyone from the internet before, and I strongly considered not coming. But for some crazy reason, I did. It was one of the best decisions of my life. You're such a great complement to me. I never knew girls existed like you...but then you're so unique. I can't believe I got the chance, and I can't believe I almost turned it down. For a year and a half, you were the twinkle in my eye, and if a good word came out of my mouth, it probably preceeded your name. Everyone back home always asked about "that California girl", and it made me realize just how blessed I was to be with you. My two trips out to California were heaven. Though time was at a premium, you treated me like royalty. My only regret, now that its over, is that I never got to truly return the favor. You'll always be loved, and you'll always be my friend.

Lady De'Ville:

From the moment I met you, I had to poke fun at you. You're a magnet for that kind of attention. Whether you're Winona Ryder, Juliette Lewis, or the psycho chick from the Breakfast Club, you're cute to the point of morbid fascination. You're smart, and a great conversationalist. Its easy to talk to you, even when there's so little to talk about. Even though you have man arms and bony knuckles, and kick like a mule, I never have to worry about offending you, because you're extremely easygoing. Though you help me try to be good, you're also understanding of when I'm not. The biggest crime in the world is that you don't get down into Portland and become as insatiably likeable as I know you can. You could have the whole world eating out of your hand, if only you gave it the effort.

Morgan Evanar:

You are my haven for ranting and for tech-ness. I am not 1337 enough for today's fancy technology, and I'd be up the creek without a paddle if it wasn't for you. Venting frustration about anything and everything is healthy, and you've been a great outlet for stress. Though you're easily tipsy, you're fun at parties...and you're yet another one of my friends who knows 3 gazillion times more about cars than I do. If I ever hit a midlife crisis, I'll call you. I hope that you make it up to Bama a few more times, because hanging out with you is a blast and a half.


Its not because you look like a clone of my best friend...its because you're one of the best guys to talk to that I've met. I've never burned away an entire day just by sitting in a room and talking (although the beer helped), but it flew by when I hung out with you. You're thoughtful, very intelligent (though your IM slang can be unreadable at times ), and quite at ease in expressing your mind. I've never clicked with somebody that fast before, and I really wish I could get a chance to hang out more. You have a great understanding of comraderie, and you're definitely one of those guys I could call in the middle of the night if the fit hit the shan


Ok, I've mostly got only bad jokes and puns for memories, but that's such a stress relief, and it seems to come at the most opportune of times. You're such a disarming, likeable guy that I just shake my head and wonder why you sell yourself short sometimes. Though you're the absolutely most frustratingly contrary person I've ever argued with, its good to know somebody who will always be able to provide a different viewpoint, even if its usually wrong


I owe you 14 Sorority Heathers and at least 2 cases of imported beer. Easily enough to cover all the software goodies you've sent me. On top of that, I enjoy our endless current events discussions and rants. We often share the same viewpoints in most things, and its good to feel affirmed at times when I might not get that elsewhere. Though you use the word "desultory" far too much, you're a great conversationalist, and a break from the usual.

Live Wire & Tatiana:

I speak of you two in the same breath, because you're essentially the same the back seat of the car, singing the Cute Song . You're buddies and confidants, and even unneeded chaperones. Whenever I needed a female perspective, you were ready to give me two or more. You're the kind of friends that everybody wants. I've rarely seen you sad, you're lavishing in affections, and a blast to be with. If I make it out to Cali again, no doubt we'll talk for hours about random nothing over some Chongs. You're the best little sisters (honorary) that I could ask for.

These are just a few for me...