::Making her rounds with a tray in her hand. Selena was just informed by Master Yoghurt about Artemis' new waitress job. The waitress made her way to Artemis and Hunk's table::

Hi ya! You must be Artemis. Nice to meet ya. I'm Selena Kyle. The other waitress, Master Yoghurt mentioned to ya.

Master Yoghurt just told me you will be starting to work here with me. So nice to have ya on board.

A word of advise..people overall are great here. Just be mindful about some of the people here. The Sith and Bounty Hunters you should be leary about. Try not to ask too many questions from them. It would be in your best interest not too. Just a friendly word of advise.

Again..welcome aboard. I am sure you will like it here

::Selena smiled::

Well I have to go back to waiting tables. I will see ya later.