The Fallen Angel speeds through hyperspace carrying it's two passengers to it's ultimate destination - Ord Mantell. It's on the final leg of it's trip, having been in flight for nearly six hours now. It's pilot, Laran Katern otherwise known as Darth Renegade, sits in chair fast asleep; letting the automatic pilot finish the trip for him. He stirs a little in his chair. Just then a soft alarm goes off, and he opens his eyes, still a little groggy from his cat nap. Shaking his head a little he comes to his senses and flicks a switch shutting down the lightspeed engines and activated the sublight engines. The ship slows down and appears in Ord Mantell space. He grabs a hold of the stick and shuts off the auto pilot, preferring to do a little flying before setting his beloved ship down.

He looks over at his passenger and smiles slightly, his face still showing a little bit of the affects of sleep. He yawns slightly, trying to cover it up before speaking with a soft voice.

Ahhh, I slept a little longer then I'd wanted to. Here we are though, approaching Ord Mantell, like I needed to tell you that. I trust the journey was relaxing for you

Turning his attention back to the view screen, and the approaching planet, Laran maneovers the ship skillfully into one of the entrance lanes to the atmosphere. He casts a quick glance back at his mysterious passenger.

[i]So where are you to meet your contact? Any place particular I should land?