:: As Warren neared his destination he wondered if T'dahn and Zannah would be ok, it had been some time since T'dahn had sent him that message through the force and Warren had came as soon as possible. As Warren got closer he noticed what seemed to be T'dahn walking away slowly with a wounded Zannah. Warren quickly landed his ship and ran out to the wounded Jedi's. As he got closer he noticed that Zannah was unconsious in T'dahn's arm ::

"T'dahn what happened here ? Well I guess there's no time hand me Zannah I'll get her to my Bacta Tank as soon as possible ok."

:: As T'dahn handed Zannah to Warren, Warren quickly turned around and headed back to his ship to get Zannah some medical attention. A few minutes later after putting Zannah in the tank Warren returned to an injured T'dahn ::

"Come on, Zannah's going to be ok now. You don't look so well though."

:: Warren looked at him and noticed he had really deep cuts through at least one of his wings ::

"Hey T'dahn seems you might have to get your wings removed, Sorry to tell you."

:: Minutes later with both T'dahn and Zannah in his ship Warren headed back to he Greater Jedi Order to get them much needed medical attention ::