ok people most people know that toysrus will have some ff, classic commtech and ep1 commtech figures for $.97 each on friday. the sale does not include the power of the jedi line at all. Now realize this ALMOST ALL other major competing stores will match toysrus's price, That's a great thing. But you say not the potj line, WRONG. The only numbers on the add are for toysrus sku numbers, all other stores should interpret the add to include potj line figures. I say this because toysrus's add says regular price 3.99 to 6.99, 6.99 falls into the potj line at other stores. Now if you were smart you would,ve pre bought your figures on wed before the friday rush, because again most major stores will price match and refund the difference within 30 days of the figures purchase.

My own wednsday story is this. I went to my local toysrus wed and found that they had stocked the shelves for friday. They put out five cases of classic commtech figures including r2 w/ leai hologram. What A score! they also had made an end cap of ep1 figs about 400+ figs. I cleaned them out of all the battle droids. ( remember loose figs are great for the new roleplaying game by wotc.) I bought all those figs at $1.97 each, friday I will go in and get a refund for the sale price and buy more figs (an awesome deal). Now I went to walmart and put 60 potj figs on lay away for friday. They had got the new figure assortments of the potj line in. Sometimes walmart will pull a fast one and pull all inventory on a competitors sale item so they don't need to play the matching price game. I was smart to secure what figs I wanted to buy on the sale price friday. At fred meyers I bought over $200 in figs, ones that toysrus didn't have in for the sale. I payed $6 something each, but again i will price match/ refund on friday using toysrus's add.

Well with all this info go forth and BUY BUY BUY, No one can have too many figs (especially for roleplaying minatures). See you in the toy isle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!