"Undoubtedly," he agreed, eyeing the hologram with grim recognition.

Ilum. How many times had he pulled this file from the Whaladon's databanks? How long had he spent staring greedily into that pale blue orb searching for an answer? Too long. There was no perfect solution. Six days Halajiin Rabeak had been amongst the Jedi, six days, and he'd already secured an authorised plan to move on the frozen world and reclaim what rightfully belonged to him, and his kin. The risks were high, but the rewards were great, and the price of failure, greater. The Jedi needed this, desperately. His eyes narrowed, as the projection cycled through Ilum's considerable defenses.

"We can expect it to be even more heavily guarded, in light of recent- after Coruscant," he concluded, there was nothing to be gained pussy-footing around the issue any longer, "There can be no denying the inherent risk of this undertaking. Cirr, can you get us in there?"