OOC: Continued from here and here


If it weren't for proximity klaxons, the descent from hyperspace into realspace would be jarring. The spin of subspace ether around a mass body was beautiful and almost organic in its fluid grace, right until the blackness of space tore it apart into strings of shortening starlight. A 30 second proximinity chime and the gentle padding-down of dampeners helped to brace you for the departure from paradise. Normally, it was something Cirrsseeto didn't have time to see. He made sure to drink it all in this time.

"We've arrived in the Gelthia system, Commodore s'Ilancy."

The sensors and EM warfare officer looked up from a holographic display of Novgorod's sling-shot into conventional space-time.

"Detecting six orbiting vessels of zero threat posture. Civilian classifications."

Cirr drummed his claws against a handguard.

"We'rre not at a contested system. No rreason to expect trrouble, orr at least the conventjional kjind."

He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. The posture of his slightly-swept ears betrayed that Cirr was expecting trouble, even if it wasn't the kind that warranted a call to red alert.

"Overrlay coorrdjinates of djistrress sjignal on the planetarry grrjid."

The EM officer punched in a few commands, turning the green and blue vistas of Gelthia's orbit into a red-checkered grid-face, with a blinking icon positioned in the southern hemisphere. Exercising empathy, the officer painted the area with a cursory scan.

"Detect no abnormal readings, nor any weapons platforms. It's a civilian district. I can narrow it down to a hotel, actually."

Cirr stewed a bit. He wasn't discounting the drunk tank option at this point. Boy that would be embarrasing.