I was daydreaming and had a good idea.

Basically we'd be flying round the galaxy as usual, keeping a low profile. The fleet encounters a very large debris field - asteroids, dust clouds, wreckage etc. But as well as that, they detect a very large object inside the debris field - a ship.

It's an ancient ship, hundreds - possibly thousands - of years old from the time of the Old Republic. And whats even more exciting - it's a Jedi ship. I had a cool idea for a specific clan of Jedi who were more like traditional monks than we know Jedi to be - more religious and passive - and very much into archaeology. This ship will be one of two that were converted by the Jedi for very long trips. Even with hyperdrive, back then things were slower and the galaxy was a much bigger place. So they converted the ship to include a compartmentalised stasis system, where individual sections of the ship could be frozen in time. This allowed the Jedi to travel for many years without ageing but also let the contingent of droids carry out their business in the rooms, corridors and bays with inactive stasis fields.

Now the two ships were travelling on opposite sides of the galaxy, but planned to meet up to exchange a very sacred artifact - a Jedi Holocron older than the Republic itself.

Acacius will be aware of this tale, and it's fine for other older characters to be aware as well. But what nobody will know is which ship had the holocron before contact was lost with both of them. So our characters will make their way through the debris field to the ship and take a look around the immense vessel to look for it, and possibly salvage anything of use - as well as reclaim a hefty piece of their Jedi heritage in the process. The ship is like an ancient temple in space - the corridors will be adorned with stone in some places to honor the Jedi Temples they were away from during their travels. There will be glyphs on doors and walls, scrolls, tabards, tomes, candles, all kinds of artifacts of significance as well as knowledge and wisdom. But the possibility of a holocron will be the main prize.

Now holocrons are a big deal and I agree that they should be few and far between from an OOC perspective, otherwise they're not special. But from an IC perspective, we've got to go take a look in hopes of finding it. Whether they've got the right ship or not can be decided nearer to the end since there's no reason to decide now. But if it's not the right ship, they the characters have still got the means to begin searching for the other ship - course trajectories, logs etc.

So this could be an early thread and plant for a bigger story down the line. It can be kept low-key and isolated since it's in the middle of nowhere and doesn't need to be drawn out, there aren't loads of twists and plot threads interlacing, it's pretty straight forward and something thay everybody wants to do rather than has to do - something they all want to do together. Our Jedi characters all still have their clashing personalities but they can all agree that this is something worth taking the time to do and build a foundation of trust, friendship and teamwork.

But so there's not just post after post of walking around a dark moody ship with nothing to do except read scribbles in stone and solve riddles and cough on dust, I came up with the stasis idea.

At some point the ship was boarded by a group of Sith. Consensus can dictate their number and power level but the idea is that they were frozen in stasis when the stasis generator malfunctioned. The console is shot to hell so we can't just deactivate the entire system. So we have to work our way through the ship and manually deactivate each stasis node, which will essentially un-freeze a handful of rooms, corridors and compartments in one go - then we move onto the next. But each time we do we could be greeted by an explosion that never finished, or an irate security droid who things we're Sith - or even the Sith themselves who (as far as they're concerned) are still in the middle of taking over the ship.

Any takers?