His forehead smacked against the rough wood the moment shots were fired. He kept low, praying he was not the target of the weapon's fire. The police started to panic, their radios were jammed, and while two officers dived into their cars to call for back-up, the woman was attacked. As she slumped to the ground unconcious, a cry came from the house.

"Step away from the computer!"

"I didn't do anything. Look! I-"

There was a crack and Tron was silenced. From his crouched position on the ground, he turned in time to see, amongst the silhouetted shapes in the window, the figure of Tron being rendered unconcious with a brutal pistol whip. His fear vanished and as anger ignited in its place, he rushed the house at a full sprint. In the open doorway, a policeman appeared and aimed his weapon at him. He leapt and soared through the air, clearing the distance between himself and the wide window beyond the porch. He crashed inside with an explosion of wood splinters and glass.