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Thread: Unorthodox Exchange

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    Closed Unorthodox Exchange

    The glass doors of Elysian Acquisitions headquarters parted to allow entrance to a human male that had never set foot on Cloud City since the days of Emperor Palpatine. Places like Elysian existed back then with different names and services they offered, but this company was new to him. Tuk bounced between paying jobs with different companies and freelancing. The most organized work he ever did was the six month stint with the Bounty Hunters guild a year back. He never renewed contract with Salaktori as the work didn't mesh with his lifestyle, preferring more independence but he gave it a solid go. He knew he was looking for something after all these years of wandering around the galaxy but he didn't know what.

    Thus his return to proper employment. He figured he'd try this again and poured over all the legitimate ads on the holonet. Elysian caught his eye and after some digging, was delighted to learn that the company had its share of legal and illegal dealings. He always vetted a potential employer and he knew the right channels to see where a company like to dabble off the record if applicable. The skill set he built over the years was perfect for either avenue of job employment with Elysian. He just needed an in.

    Tuk did a once over at the expansive and modestly decorated lobby. There were workers and visitors milling about, comfortable chairs, and quite the high tech security in place behind the visitor's desk. The protocol droid waiting for him was just an inch shorter than his just over 6 foot tall athletic frame. He wore casual clothing that could be bought by your average spacer, not making him distinguishable from any other human. He was well groomed - recently clean shaven and his light brown hair styled.

    On approach, Tuk's smile was pleasantly disarming with his handsome features. "Hello there. I'm here to apply for a job."

    His smile only grew wider as he reached over the desk and casually cued up the job in question for the droid, ignoring any warning to stop. Tuk happily carried on with his upside down typing. "Aha! Here it is. Repossessions."

    He tapped at the screen and looked up at the protocol droid with a firm nod. "Granted ... I didn't quite take the time to actually apply on the 'net, but ... I figured I could just stop on by in person to do it. Oh!"

    Tuk held up a finger and squinted as he went searching for something in his back pocket. "Almost forgot. Here."

    He pulled out a datacard and slid it over. "Has my credentials. Everything that proves that I, Tuk Arghann, is the only guy you need for the job."
    Last edited by Tuk Arghann; Nov 16th, 2019 at 10:46:22 PM.


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