Obsidian black claimed her vision from wall to wall. The space was tight and without fresh air-flow; perfectly sealed to prevent even a single memory of the outside world from getting in. She had been in the tube only a handful of seconds, but Naula could taste the oddly dry and chemical laced stench of a filtration system. Moister was sucked from the air to her aft and pumped back from grates next to her thighs with a freshness that was both fake and simply wrong. It was unsettling, but also welcoming and familiar. Lights bloomed into being without warning, their arrival heralding a gentle vibration under her feet and behind her stiffly-built chair. An array of buttons and diagnostic readouts played across a suddenly visible console and Naula instinctively reached for the duel mounted handles that presented themselves to either side. She gave the handles grip a testing squeeze, fingers naturally lacing around the accompanying triggers and flip-switches. Stars bloomed ahead, diodes above and to her side gained power, and with a rush of sudden motion the simulation was complete. In a matter of seconds Naula had been transported from a cylindrical tube on Bothawai, to the crimson world of Sullust.

The planet hung in front of her with monumental impact, dominating the port side of her canopy and much of the ships forward arc. From space, cloud cover obscured much of the landmass but she could still make out the characteristic bright streaks of red. Sullust was a molten planet in places, woven among darker greys and blacks that gave it an eerie orbital appearance. Her eyes claimed the orb in it's glory, searching among the expected colours for something that was not. Naula found it. A trail of tiny dots fluttered between the planets northern pole and a distinctive point in geostationary orbit. She could have missed it with ease, but the halo of the planets reflected glow highlighted the irregular swarm of activity.

"Ok, Titans listen up." Came the simulated voice of Colonel Muus Vaal. "Your target is the Imperial orbital. Minimal defenses, two squads of TIE. Should be a breeze." Nuus Vaal squawked with an easy tone, his words affirming and confident. History told this particular engagement much differently. Whether Titan Squadron had actually been at this particular battle, Naula did not know. What she did know however was that after the Battle of Endor various Rebel-affiliated forces mounted strikes on Imperial stations, forces, or supply lines. It was these initial engagements that would lead to the brief conflict between Empire and Alliance. With the Empire licking their wounds from Endor, the majority of Imperial capital ships had been withdrawn to protect the ship-yards at Kuat and other vital worlds. This left their stations at Sullust and similar worlds relatively undefended - or so the Rebel's thought.

Maybe history will tell this defeat differently, today.

"All wings report in." Naula commed to the flight group, taking up her role as head of the pack.