"Once we're all so less displaced, it'll be easier. Not that my band's all organized and stuff, but we could set up and break down our gear quick and efficiently. Have to on the road most of the time," she explained rather proudly. Her kin were the best band mates a Galliard could ask for.

Now that her mind was a bit more clear, Nara appreciated this tête-à-tête. What really made this intriguing is that the both of them knew the other walked the path of the gifted. They were just dancing around the specifics.

"And that's why you were intrigued with me. Because of my musical preferences," she stated with understanding and had an idea. "Pick a favorite song of yours and I'll sing it. If you like it, how about I get that final say in performing here?"

She took a sip of her third cup of coffee, feeling the force wakefulness that she desperately needed.