"Only if you are offering your surrender personally."

Slate's reply was spoken in a casual tone like a parent replying to a child who just said something nonsensical. For the briefest of moment he cast his eyes at the creature, held her gaze intently and then immediately broke it off to resume speaking to the Reptoid. It was clear the large alien was the one in charge of this unit of soldiers. A man of authority can spot another, even if their perches in society vary considerably. There was a weight to responsibility, and it could be seen in the shoulders of those who bare it.

"There will be no negotiations. You are currently harboring an enemy of the Holy Leh'beni Empire. A war criminal, no less. I am Mister Slate, Forty-Seventh Arbiter. I have the authority bestowed upon me by the Council of Nine, The Huntmaster's Lodge, the office of the Arbiters, and by the Will of Solfar; Lord of Light. You will hand her over to me, and if you do not than I shall kill every last soldier under your command, yourself, and the girl. There is no salvation for the monster. She will pay for her crimes. It is Solfar's will."