Run. Hide. Stay away.

They were Orenth's thoughts, but they were not aimed at himself. They were not broadcast either, not pulsed out into the aether. Instead they flowed through him, rippling like shockwaves of electricity down his veins and nerves, coursing through his palm and into the hand wrapped around it.

Orenth ducked and dodged, weaving through the abandoned, destitute corridors. Shen's hand was locked tightly with his, but she was not trailing behind him. This was not Orenth leading her to safety: this was the two of them, perfectly in tune, turning and halting and vaulting over obstacles in perfect unison. The feeling was hard to describe, as the Keeper had not taught him the proper words, or proper concepts. The closest that Orenth's mind could recall was something that the Keeper had shown them once. Sounds. Instruments. Rhythmic sequences played at once, combining into a greater whole. The Keeper had called it music. Harmony.

He squeezed Shen's hand a little tighter.

More of the Keeper's teachings found their way into Orenth's mind. It was like something he and Shen had learned of in recent days, out in the atmosphere of a planet instead of the closed surroundings of their once Home. Orenth had known the word breeze, but had never felt it. Nor had he felt the warmth as the light of a star radiated down upon him, emerging from behind the condensed water vapour in the air. Sunlight. Clouds. He knew the words, and knew the definitions, but only now did he understand.

The thoughts breezed into his mind, teachings from the Keeper to use their surroundings, to move silently, to bend the Force around them for concealment and stealth. More stray thoughts followed in their wake. Being here felt different. It felt wrong. It was not as the Keeper would have intended. He would have not sent them to a place like this; not abandoned them in a place like this. Orenth did not know the name of this world. He did not know their purpose for being here. The Keeper would have told them. The Keeper would have kept them safe. The Keeper would have saved them now, just as he had at their Home.

Saved them from the Monster.