His loosely tied boots alighted upon the rickety floorboards of the second story and he swiveled his flashlight in the direction of the nursery; scanning it across an asymmetrical row of dolls that had been left for the child ghost. His light lingered on one, an Anne doll his sister had purchased at one of the local toy stores to bring with her for the purpose it now served. Without realizing it, Hunter had drawn in a steadying breath and then released it with deliberate slowness as he set off down the window lined corridor.

Hunter continued forward until he was situated in the child's room, placing his EMF reader on a low table just beneath the window which served as the small room's only furnishing. There was a closet, its door slightly ajar, and a great number of shadows on the floor where additional dressers had once rested. "It is said that the child interacts best with females. Perhaps one of you would like to try and make contact?" He asked a bit dubiously, touching a few buttons on the EMF which had completed its initial scan of the room and now awaited any fluctuations.