Quote Originally Posted by Morgan Evanar View Post
This has a lot of possibility for subthreads and weird alliances that won't get in the way of talks themselves.

Like an unlikely people jointly stopping an assassination attempt. We could keep threads small and more agile that way while the big one can keep moving.

Personally this would be a good opportunity to dust off some of my other characters.
Quote Originally Posted by Adonis Inirial View Post

How "public" are we going to make the talks? Jovan Station already has a pretty healthy civilian population and a lot of travellers/etc. If we're having this summit take place on the station, and if we don't plan to sorta... clear the station of all it's civilian inhabitants, then having non-delegate people at the summit is probably something worth embracing.

We could even make a sort of world's fair thing going on in the background. While the politicians are having their meetings/etc behind closed doors, maybe merchants / etc from across the Empire and Alliance are showing up to sell their wares. Some dude from Corellia who has a whole freighter full of Corellian brandy that they're selling to Alliance officers who can't get it any more, Cizerack and Bothan merchants selling fine silks, SoroSuub offering a spare parts service for freighter types who can't readily get them elsewhere, etc.

Or maybe that kind of stuff isn't even happening on the station itself, but rather out in the "parking lot" outside the station? A bunch of freighters floating around with shuttles of shoppers going back and forth... something that's an absolute security nightmare for the officers on Jovan, but that doesn't necessarily present an overt threat to the summit's security. Kinda like back in Season 1 of Battlestar Galactica, where the Vice President nominations were happening on Cloud 9, and only a handful of civilians were allowed to show up to the actual quorum itself, but there were ships/etc all around full of people paying attention to what was going on.
Quote Originally Posted by Hobgoblin View Post

It'd be the biggest flea market and tailgate party the station will have ever seen!
As far as the Jovan Diplomatic Talks series of threads this is what I had in mind though perhaps not as in depth as having a fair in the background, though I absolutely love the Corellian whiskey and freighter parts service ideas. Keeping the main thread(s) from getting bogged down due to waiting for someone to post or trying to find and keep the momentum of a conversation or series of actions going in the middle of what would be essentially a posting melee was the main reasoning for the series of subthreads.

So we have:


Tear, Atrapes, Ceto, Delgado, Sindy and other Cadet(s), Gallus/Sanya Tagge, Ordon Trozky; more?


Tell Cho, Jen's Ciz Character, Miranda's Senator, Grace Van-Derveld, etc

And the issues that we can split up and discuss are:

Travel, Border Security, Passports

(Both in the wider political talks and perhaps between individual business people themselves)

Neutral Sectors, Criminal Investigations and Terrorist Attacks(?)

And so on and so forth blah blah

And then there's potential background non-political shenanigans:

Assassination/Terrorism Attempt(s)

Imperial Cadets and Jedi Padawans

Jovan Diplomatic Fair
(smugglers, bounty hunters, independent peoples milling around and getting into trouble maybe!)