"Squadron check in."

The shift of the kaleidoscope of hyperspace into the real was a jarring experience to a green pilot. Some got a round of nausea. Most took seconds to get their bearings. To Captain Jaska, it had become as natural as breathing - as if the galaxy as a whole took one moment to let out a pent-up breath. Apparently some Verpine pilots could nearly read their bearings by the way the vortex swirled. She'd never be that salty of a pilot, but it didn't take long at all for Siloo to get the gist of where they'd ended up.

Well, the corona of garbage around Raxus Prime also helped.

As her squadmates in Gold Squadron began to report green status and successful reinsertion, Siloo was already looking for the best approach vector. The Tion Cluster was officially Republic space, insofar as a feral dog might claim territory by pissing on it. There was law on Lianna, because Lianna built Republic ships. The rest of the cluster had about as much law as Hutt space. It made a good place for the First Order to lay in hiding, though it wasn't the First Order they were hunting today. The General had a special mission for her.

"Kanno, cut throttle and fall behind. We're gonna run out of sky here."

"What the hell are we doing out here anyway? We routed the dome-heads at Sojourn, shouldn't we be back on the warpath?"

Thin-lipped, Siloo adjusted her transponder frequency as she glided her T-70 X-Wing past the shattered remains of an old Corellian cruiser.

"The General disagrees, that's all I can say. She was specific on our destination. Something about an old friend."

"Old friend? Thought we'd run out of those to piss off."

Captain Jaska gave a half grin as she glanced portside out her cockpit.

"It's a big galaxy, and the General's holodex is about as big. I guess she found a bridge that wasn't quite burned up."