A few days later...

"This is ridiculous."

It was the tenth time Aurelia had said that, not that Jamit was counting, as they whisked across the district from an on-site meeting back to headquarters. Traffic was impossible, and to make matters worse, her 'link was failing to sync and transfer her notes back to her private server. Such technological failures drove her crazy since those were what her father had been so good at pioneering. It was largely what WayneTech was known for!

"I know," Jamit said apologetically. "I'm sure it will sync soon."

She rolled her eyes and stuffed the device back in her bag. "Ridiculous."

Jamit eyed her, but held his tongue. Aurelia had never been one to appreciate prying into her personal business, so he wasn't about to start now, even if he thought she needed someone to talk to. He looked at his own datapad, then gave her another covert glance as the boss pulled out her 'link again to check it. She sighed heavily and put it away.