“Yeah, that’s enough credits for the hot cocoa, it says so on your sign dude!” Frowning, I waved off the Zabrak who was complaining I short changed him. “Get out of here you stupid spacer”, of course he had to get all heated with me and I fought the urge to turn back around and plant my fist in his face. Grumbling, I just drank the hot cocoa and continued on down towards the hanger where I knew my sister’s ship was being resupplied. I had visited Cirr a couple of days ago to get some girl advice. Feeling bad, I decided to bring my sister a cup of cocoa and visit her as well. It had been some time since we had seen each other.

Both of use ventured out into the great galaxy, you could say she was the inspiration of me leaving home when I did – she’s also why I got into piloting. She’s my favorite, but I can’t let her know that. It would go to her head and then she’d fly away with all that hot air in there. Then Cirr would be sad and that guy is just way too awesome to be sad. Sipping the hot cocoa I had gotten for myself I made my way towards their ship, weaving through the crews that were helping with the resupply. I never entered the ship without permission, for some reason I had it burned in the back of my head that she’d get mad or something. Shrugging, I just decided to shout for her.

“Lyanie! Your favorite brother is here to see you!” Pausing, I snuck a sip of her hot cocoa and smirked. “I brought you cocoa!” If she didn’t hear me, there would be someone who heard me and hopefully would go find her – I’m too lazy to look for her, I had to walk the whole way here.