Ok, home now.

On the matter of outlining what admins and mods are expected to do, I agree. To my recollection, there was never any set list of tasks made; new mods were just given basic crash courses and the older mods provided help and minor guidance. The hierarchy of powers as I understand them are pretty much only two-tiered. Admins, who are able to delve to the bottom of the site and alter its' layout/code/etc, and mods, who are able to do surface tasks such as thread moving/stickying/etc. To be quite honest, the difference between a group mod and a main mod is nonexistant. Where the group mods cannot edit things in the main rp-ing forums, the rp mods cannot modify anything in the group mod forums. So frankly, the two are the same thing just with different territories and different names. I do recall there being a super mod category, which has/had the same level of abilities that the old main mods used to have before we upgraded from (I think) the first version of vB.

Now, I may be seeing the power structure incorrectly, but that is how I've always perceived it.

Obviously settling disputes between posters, sniping spammers, deleting double posts, but also running things like RPer of the Month, football pick threads (or at least stickying them), being more proactive in generating content and being active...
Settling disputes (to the best of the staff's abilities) is something that is done, but these disputes are few and far between. Frankly, it's one of those duties that follows the old saying 'no news is good news'.

Sniping spammers is done as well, and the staff is always grateful for the heads-up since none of us are omniscient. Sometimes it is a multi-stage thing though, as a mod may be available to delete the post right off the bat, but an admin is needed for the banning when they jump online.

Deleting double posts is something I am well acquainted with, and while I tend to catch a fair share, I know that there are others that slip through the cracks of threads I've not yet had a chance to open up. That's when reported posts are most appreciated.

RPer of the month I feel should be a shared thing; if someone from the staff or a member starts the thread, then kudos. It's not a responsibility that I feel should solely rest on the shoulders of the staff.

Football pick threads I feel the same way about.

As for being proactive about generating content, I do believe that this should be a given. However there is a catch. I will use myself as an example, here. I made this thread and this thread; the first for encouraging people to post up the music that inspires their writing (with the added benefit of possibly introducing someone to a band/group previously unheard of), and the second to provide a bit of fun in stimulating member-driven RP related art. The latter thread, especially, was posted to. But only by two others. I'm not saying 'rawr post to these threads you jerks' in any way, but what I want to illustrate in a small fashion is that the staff can be proactive about posting content. We can share the cool things that we stumble upon. But if the members themselves don't participate, then there's nothing we can do for that content-related thread. We're not going to pull the old 'if you have time to be online you have time to post' bullcrap, because that's not us, and that's not this site. It never has been.

Defining the parameters of what it means to be an admin and a mod is fine. I'm all for doing that, and will help any way that I can.