A far as Felicity goes, I think the point is that [she has intellectual smarts, but not necessarily common sense: particularly when it comes to putting herself in danger. Earlier in the episode, she kinda hinted at the sentiment that she doesn't feel like what she does is enough? The guys are impressed by her computer skills, but to her mind it's something so easy that it's not even a big deal. She looks at the kind of stuff Oliver and Diggle do, and I think she feels that maybe she isn't pulling her weight? Going into the truck wasn't so much a dumb move as her trying to do what she thought Oliver and Diggle would do... without it necessarily registering that Oliver and Diggle have combat skills that she doesn't.]

As far as Olicity goes, [the actors keep saying that if anything happens between them, they feel they need to "earn" it, not just have it happen to appease the fans. Both Stephen and Emily ship their characters together fiercely, so I don't think there's any reason to rule it out at all. Also, it's worth bearing in mind that while Oliver and Laurel are "destined" to be together from a comic book perspective... they actually separate over irreconcilable differences after Oliver kills some people. A theory I heard was that we shouldn't expect Oliver and Laurel to get together because from a comic book perspective, the story is already beyond the point where their relationship is over... which is an interesting thought. They're also not together in the New 52 (I don't think Green Arrow and Black Canary even know each other in that continuity). The writers are always saying that they're trying to use comic book fans' expectations "against them", while still staying true(ish) to the source material: maybe this is how.]

As far as Brother Blood goes... [I think Brother Blood sent the Count after Arrow, and that he didn't work out the vigilante was Oliver Queen until he caught Felicity in the truck. Not sure Blood has any suspicions at all... then again, that doesn't mean the Count didn't phone Blood and tell him once he'd figured it out.]

Bonus Blood thought: [Sebastian was in the room with the DA and Laurel when they were planning the case. The fact that Malcolm thwarted that case suggests to me that Blood and Malcolm are being set up as rival villains. What's interesting on that front is that we know Malcolm is a member of the League of Assassins... and last week, we heard that Deadshot was working for H.I.V.E: which, in the Teen Titans cartoons was led by Brother Blood... whereas in the cartoons has ties to Deathstroke. We know that Manu Bennett is a main character this year (contractually speaking), but we haven't seen very much of him... I wonder if we're being set up for some Deathstroke in Starling City action.]

Bonus random Blood thought: [in the comics, Sebastian Blood is a vampire. In Arrow, the Count gets his nickname because his dual syringes leave a vampire-like bite mark on his victims. Knowing the level of nerd action that goes on amongst the Arrow writers, I doubt it was a coincidence that they ended up working together.]