She didn't know what to say. Her mind was still spinning over the fact that Tom had apparently ordered something so girlie and why would he bother, he never ordered that kind of drink, that was her thing and... and... oooohhhh. It was something Alice never thought she'd get used to. Tom sometimes just did things that she couldn't make sense of until she thought about it and realized it tied back to her. It was always the kind of thing that was sweet to the point where it made her uncomfortable because she just didn't think she was worth that sort of thing. He'd probably never fully realize how much she appreciated it all, mostly because she never seemed to be able to find words that expressed it. Most of the times she would just kinda stare at him with a stupid smile of her face before suddenly hugging him and then realizing she was touching him and suddenly feel flustered to an obscene degree. She couldn't exactly do that right at the moment.

Thankfully he had derailed her little what do I do train with his question. She'd expected that one to come around at some point. It helped.

"I... guess?" She shrugged her shoulders slightly. "I don't really have anything to compare it to so I suppose it was good. I kinda just was dragged around by Kat and Diana - she was this woman we met there, really nice... I think she's still hanging out with your sister right now, actually. Probably a good thing. I feel bad kinda leaving her by herself and..."

The words had been coming out fast, too fast. Another small laugh left her before she bit her lower lip and found a hand running through the curls that her hair had been forced to take on. "Thanks, by the way. It was really sweet of you to fund that whole thing. This too. I always feel like you spoil me."

Her eyes suddenly widened as she realized what her brain had just let spill out of her mouth before she could stop it. "I mean that in a good way. I just... yeah... thanks."