In the spirit of the whole name change / broadening her horizons / etc, I had an idea for an experiment type thing that it might be interesting for us to try.

I know a few of us definitely do solo writing from time to time, whether that's our own novel projects, NaNoWriMo, fan fiction, or something else. It presents a very different challenge not just because you're writing it all on your own: you're also often having to write characters that you wouldn't necessarily choose to write in a roleplay, you're writing dynamics, interactions, and that sort of thing. Roleplaying is "acting with words", whereas writing on your own is more like being a director.

There's an added challenge if you're writing for TV or comic books, because often you aren't just writing an ensemble of your characters: you're sharing those characters with the other writers, you've got to respect the development and evolution they bring (and plot developments of course), and they in turn have to respect yours.

I thought that might be a fun thing for us to try: instead of each coming up with our own individual characters, we'd instead come up with the characters collectively and then do short story type chunks of adventure and activity for them. A TV / Expanded Universe novels type approach might make for some interesting Star Wars / Mutants / Star Trek prequels or spin-offs, where we establish a crew/team in a different time or place within the same continuity, and each have our turn at writing a story/episode/thing. Or, the comic approach might be fun, with some people writing a solo series for a particular character while other people are writing Avengers / Justice League type team-ups, and so heroes and villains are all getting shared between.

It might be an absolutely terrible idea that just doesn't jive with us at all... or it might wind up being really fun.