Captain Coruscant fought the Iron Mandalorian??! It was a new development to her, since every flimsicomic she had was gotten in the bargain bins at the various general shops that her Adai went to. There wasn't a current issue in her small collection, but she still loved them all the same. They were dog-eared and wrinkled, and most heavily read. There had been so many nights when her Adai had told her to go to bed, but she stayed up to read, blanket over her head and a glowpanel stick in one hand to light up the pages.

But here, now, with Yufi just as excited as she was about comics... it was amazing! And Ossus was amazing! She'd only been here for a little bit and already she knew she was going to like it here!

At Yufi's words that she'd not found a single comic in the Jedi Library, Zeni scrunched her snout up in thought, her brow knitting together.

"Well, I heard it was a big library, so maybe they keep their flimsicomics in a basement or some super-far-back room where no one goes."

Looking towards Adai, it seemed that her father was just about done. He was smiling, which meant that things were going well. Which of course meant that they would be able to leave soon and head out to Sanctuary and start exploring!

Her tummy rumbled then, and the little cub realized just how hungry she was. Their transport crew had only given them a can of fizziglug and a pack of pekonuts, which was barely even a snack.

"Are there any good places to eat here? I saw in some of my Adai's papers that there was a few cafes and cantinas, but he said I'm too young for the cantinas."