The fifth annual Firmus Piett Legacy Scholarship Fundraising Event had been a smashing success by all accounts. Admiral Kraken beamed with pride while walking down the corridor leading to the main hangar bay aboard the Empress Tarkin class Space Station, for he had reason to believe that he was a big part of why everything went so well. The last couple of years had seen a gradual decline in attendance and funds for the scholarship awarded to intelligent and ambitious young students to attend the prestigious Anaxes War College, in large part due to reversals suffered by the Empire against the meddling Alliance. Yet this year saw a sold out venue aboard the orbital station, featuring a flyby by one of the most prestigious Star Destroyers left in Imperial service along with the opportunity to shake hands and have a short conversation with the "Subjugator of Sullust" himself; Park Kraken.

During the course of the ceremony he had shaken hands and endured conversations with a wide variety of individuals ranging from the beautiful to the bountiful and boastful. By the end of it all he was quite ready to retire to his personal cabin following a nice meal, however he had barely made it into the corridor when his private comlink started buzzing for his attention.

"Kraken," he said while in spite of his annoyance at the latest intrusion keeping his voice cool and calm.

"Watch Officer Nalvira here, we've received a priority transmission from a Doctor Drestra on Ord Mirit and you're one of only two sufficient ranking officers in system with the authorized clearance," came the young sounding female voice from Anaxes Orbital Control.

"What is the Urgency and Priority attached to the message?" Kraken asked as his curiosity was now piqued. The only other official with such an adequate level of clearance was most likely the local sector Moff that had also attended the fundraiser.

"Urgency is listed as High and Priority is listed as None," she said, bringing Kraken to a halt with an expression of confusion coming over his face. High Urgency yet No Priority?

"No Priority?" he asked for confirmation, this time with a little annoyance making its way into his tone.

"That's what it says Admiral, Priority Zero," the Watch Officer replied.

Kraken's eyes widened as a chill raced up the back of his spine. 'No Priority' and 'Priority Zero' had very different definitions within certain echelons of Imperial High Command.

"Send the message to my personal data pad," Kraken replied before switching channels, "Lieutenant Tavanne, come in over."

"Tavanne reporting in Admiral," replied a crisper and a tad older female voice versus the junior watch officer, his second in command aboard the Suppressor.

"Recall all relevant craft and bring the ship about for the outer gravity well while programming a course for Ord Mirit. I want us in hyperspace within fifteen minutes," he ordered while quickening his pace to that of a fast walk. Such an urgent matter coming in from a Doctor could only mean one of a very few things and none of them would be pleasant to deal with.