The Great Library on Ossus was an anachronism. And at the same time, it wasn't. Old architecture, which looked as though it didn't belong with the rest of Sanctuary. But at the same time it did belong. It was a Jedi place, and held whatever old artifacts and literature that the ancient Jedi hadn't been able to take with them before the supernova overtook the planet. The sight of it, from the very bottom of the grand stairs leading to the large front entrance, reminded her of a lot of the derelict buildings back on Schwartzweld.

It was just... timeless.

With a single, old-style datapad in one hand and a flimsi printout in the other, Teagan s'Ilancy sat on the bottom stair, on the far side. It was the sort of day that a person could enjoy outside, with whatever it was they chose to do. Engrossed in her reading of the old history 'book', she thumbed through Chapter 12, where she'd left off from the night before.

It was an old legend, or story... she hadn't quite figured it out yet. Her Jedi Order Histories teacher had said it was fact, but so much of what she was reading seemed so... unbelievable.

Her teacher had assigned her to research an old Jedi Master... Ood Bnar.

And everything she was reading, she was having a difficult time completely accepting.

Chapter 12 was the chapter that apparently, the great Master had turned... into a tree.

The concept of a metamorph was certainly not one that she was unfamiliar with, but a tree?!

And if she was to believe what this history book was saying, Master Bnar was still a tree.