"Canto Bight?" Ben whistled lowly.

"Reckon there's no better place to transfer loot than a place whose business is transferrin' loot; kinda poetic too," he said, getting to work on warming up the hyperdrives and aligning their vector with the flight path recommended by the computer. "No better place to lose all that loot either, I guess."

Jesse worked the nav-computer like a seasoned pilot, even executing some of the calculations herself, though it seemed less of a cerebral thing and more of experience and practice. A few switches, a couple dials and buttons, and the bright tunnel of hyperspace stretched into infinity in front of them. Ben leaned back in his seat and pondered what it meant that he was literally looking at forever just outside the viewport.

"Torgenstein on the up-and-up? Seem to remember some talk about a Hutt and a promise of revenge." Ben cracked a smile when Jesse looked over at him with a hard edge in her eye. "Happens to everyone. It's how I got to workin' with you, after all."