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Thread: Calamity Jesse & Wild Ben Merasska Presents: A Wild Night On Canto Bight

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    xxx Calamity Jesse & Wild Ben Merasska Presents: A Wild Night On Canto Bight

    "Dusted another! Looks like the rest of turning 'round. Buncha yella bellied dogs. We're in the clear!"

    The clouds of fire and dust faded into the black velvet of space, like fireworks celebrating their victory. The proximity sensor wobbled softly until it stopped as the last of the pursuers dropped out of range. Just like that, they were alone in the stars. The only sound was the hum of engines and the cooling sizzle of the laser cannons on the other end of the turret. Satisfied, she let body untense and pulled herself free of the tiny seat and dropped straight down the chute to the decking below.

    "Those Scyk boys know they can't keep up with the Bette. They'd just get dusted like their friends."

    With a haughty laugh Jesse Buchanan grabbed her hat from the aft hatch lever where she'd left it before taking care of all that excitement up above and placed it back on top of her crown of white hair, pulling the brim down just right to get the fit just right. The spurs on her boots tinged loudly as she moved down the passage toward the cockpit, past the empty gunner and communications stations and through the small door and up to the singular pilot seat at the head of the mighty warship.

    "And you said we'd never outrun the Shinghalla Cartel without a full crew, and I told you we'd be fine without Turk and Bynn. Better off I reckon, were my exact words I think. A poor girl might think you don't trust her, huh Ben?"

    Draping her arms over the back of the pilot chair she tousled the red curly locks on the other side.
    Last edited by Jesse Lockhart; Feb 26th, 2021 at 10:36:49 PM.


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