Frasken's confirmation of Vissica's observation only seeded her suspicions, which the male then confirmed. He paused, forcing the Knight to begrudgingly do so as well.

"You are from a heretic den?"

Vissica's brow knit with ingrained disapproval. Selonians were by their nature slow and careful to reach consensus, and difficult to reconcile when that consensus was broken. It led to a society that rarely warred among its own people, but with deep rifts as a result of whenever they did. For a den to leave the group identity - willingly or not - was rare and painful. Vissica was not a historian in her den - there were other sisters who were responsible for that task, and who no-doubt understood precisely what transpired with this den and the exact nature of its betrayal.

The Knight opened her mouth, as if to entertain the offered explanation, but then promptly closed it, changing her mind.

"No. That is not material to my mission."

A suspicion lingered, however. She crossed her arms.

"Your kindred may have broken from the Overden. That cannot be changed. Do I have reason to doubt your allegiance to the Empire?"