Instead of mere voting and such, I thought it would be fun to highlight what you all enjoyed in the last year in regards to Roleplay Threads and Characters. That way it is more discussing of what has happened this past year and perhaps what you hope to see in the next! I pulled from Taylor's thread from yonder back that Jenny found and tweaked.

Who was your overall favorite character in the past year?

Who was your favorite character on the side of good, evil, and those lovely ones that don't fall exactly in either category?

Because why not, sexiest character :

Favorite storyline:

Favorite fight scene:

Funniest scene:

Happiest or saddest scene:

Best scene description:

Best Dialogue:

Best dramatic scene:

Favorite thread title:

Favorite Plot twist:

Characters you would like to see more of:

Storylines you would like to see explored:

Writers you want to write with more:

A goal for your RPing experience in the new year

If you want to add more, feel free and I can edit.