"Miss Ghemenaux? We just got cleared for landing," Chirala's voice spoke through the speakers.

The brunette looked up from the datapad she had been working on for the past hours. Even though her longtime pilot couldn't see her, she nodded.

"Thank you, Chirala."

The communication clicked out; and Shana uncrossed her legs and finished the cup of caf she had been nursing while working on planning tasks. She got to her feet across the meeting room where she had spent much of the day. She soon made her way to the cockpit, and sat behind her pilot. She didn't have to do that; but she had always enjoyed the view. Landings had always been a favorite, a first glimpse into a known or new planet. She had only visited Corellia once in her life; and it was a very long time ago.

There were many worlds she had traveled to for business; way more than the leisure destinations. Yet, she didn't mind for she believed in the Empire, and in her work. Maybe some would say that being widowed several years ago when still a young bride had dampened her spirit; but truth be told, Shana loved the Empire and she loved her work, especially as she had climbed up the ranks in the Sillesk system. As the Acquisitions Administrator, she ensured that Admiral Bismarck's vision for his territory would only become a greater reality, thus bringing honor and success to Empress Tarkin.

Corellia was a hotbed for terrorism; but she had faith the Empire would eventually prevail. In her particular situation, she was interested in exploring new possible business ventures with the CEO of a local corporation whose profile might be good for certain parts of land development in Sillesk. She knew that the scientists and even the military part might find interest in what Wayne Tech offered; but it was up to her to look into the options for it would be private contractors for the civilian development of the system first.

She used the hour it took to descend upon Coronet Space port to unwind and garner her energy back, clearing up her mind from all she had handled on the journey to the Core world. Once the shuttle was powered down; she made quick work of freshening up and changing for an appropriate attire, a spark of color in the sleek grey interior of the space craft.

As soon as she climbed down the boarding ramp, she exchanged a few last words with Chilara, who often acted as both her pilot and aide when traveling with a small crew. She didn't waste time before getting into the speeder awaiting her.

She would be heading straight to Wayne Tech headquarters.