Michael's lips tightened as she spoke, of what she said and what it implied. Huh. He hadn't considered it was something that you could change. Sure Lancer had spoke of using Jedi teachings to find a third path for himself, but she felt like something else. In a small way the idea did help him be a bit more comfortable in his surroundings, in her being here. He considered how much he could actually trust her, how much of this was Bantha piss, or just more manipulations.

He shook his head a bit at the idea of the 'will of the Force.' What had the Force given him other than a lifetime of pain at this point - of confusion and anger. "I'm..." He wasn't sure what to say in response to a statement like that, to that idea. His own Master had only ever preached using the Force for fun, for advancement. Sudoku had not been a typical Sith, or 'Doomsider' as his former Master had preferred to call himself. Michael had figured out years later it was all the same thing, even if Ky hadn't known it himself. How little he had actually been trained before being thrown into a life and a world that he wasn't prepared for was coming into focus.

"Not sure I believe in the Will of the Force." He finally settled on. "But... I think I get what you mean. I think."