"Ah ha ha!" A wrinkled claw of a hand reached for the dice at the gambling tables of the Cumulus Casino. "And that meanss jI wjin!?"

A dignified looking, but very elderly, Cizerack male leaned down, whispering into the female's ear. Her face, half hidden behind a black lace veil, transformed into a scowl, wrinkles transformed into deep grooves by the hands of time.

"Bah! jI don't ljike thjiss game afterr all." Sirraaithi Meorrrei left her chips on the table and activated her repulsor chair, bumping into her long suffering manservant as she backed up and then made her way across the casino.

Rey'narrr bowed deeply at the dice table, tipped the employee running it, and gathered up his mistress's chips. He was thirty-five years her junior but still pushing eighty-five years old, and he was not as quick as he used to be. Thankfully the repulsor chair was slow enough that he was able to catch up to Sirraaithi.

"Thjiss jiss herr bussjinesss, jissn't jit?!" She was trying to speak quietly to Rey'narr, but with her hearing loss Sirraaithi couldn't regulate her volume like she used to. "Get Sasseeri jimmedjiateljy!"

"Of courrsse Rrou'fai," he murmured, putting his hand on her chair and transferring control back to him. Rey'narr directed Sirra toward one of the restaurants, walking slowly and leaning on the repulsor chair as they progressed. "We wjill fjind herr ssoon, but perrhapss... ssomethjing to eat fjirrsst?"