The last thing on Baska's mind was to do any sort of sight-seeing; but there wasn't any option to reach her destination besides going through Aushti. The way the city had ambitions and pockets of actual civilization surprised the Sith. Frankly, she hadn't had any particular expectations for what this place would look like. The city definitely didn't match all the poetry waxed about it by its imperial overseer; but there was potential, and a much more diverse crowd than she would have expected.

The glimpse she got from the forested lands caught her interest for a brief moment; but she had no time to waste. Yet she felt a strange pull, which was not so out of the ordinary for her. Exploring had always been part of who she was, whether as a bounty hunter, or as a Sith historian and artifact hunter.

When she saw habitations in the nearest part of the forested lands, she pressed on and soon found the man she was looking for. While Ternes was still alive, he did look like a vestige that life had put through a lot. It wasn't so much that it drew any sort of pity from the Sith; but rather she hoped he would be somewhat useful.

"K. Ternes?"

The old man looked up, stopping what he was polishing just seconds after she had come close enough.

"Yeah, Kir Ternes. And you'd be?"

Someone you'd better be able to help, she mused.

"I'm Baska. I heard you were friends with Dr. Sterak."

He scoffed and got to his feet with difficulties. To get on his good side, Baska came to offer help; and he didn't shoo her away.

"Yeah, pay was good but he was hell to work with."

That likely was the understatement of the year given what he had put Baska through, although it had helped mold her into the powerful Master of the Dark side she had become years ago.

"What do you want with him?"

He sat down inside and grabbed an half empty bottle and took a long gulp from it.

"I was hoping he'd still be around. I want to find him."

Spitting that ugly lie was painful but so be it.

"I found out he's my father. Trying to learn more about him, and hopefully find him."

The ancient shook his head.

"I don't think he can care for anyone except himself. His only real child was his pet project."

Now they were getting somewhere.

"It must have meant a lot to him."

Ternes drank a third of what was left in the bottle.

"He was obsessed with some energy stuff, and was a pompous ass. I've never seen much of it but he spent more and more time in his old hideout in the inner ring. This place felt haunted. I hated it."

Baska knew that her late Master wasn't a good pilot himself, so it made sense he had had to hire Ternes.

"Could you take me there?"

The old man shrugged.

"I'm done flying, little girl. Ship's taking a nap."

That was a good way to anger the blonde. He might be stubborn but his mind was easy to play with.

"All right, I'll let you be."

He grumbled something. By the time she was before his front door, she had already invaded his mind with tendrils of powers and built the illusion that she was leaving when instead she headed to the one other room in the small dwelling, discreetly rummaging through his belongings, until she found a non-secured datapad holding his ship docking information. She soon heard snores coming from the main room; but to be on the safe side, she kept her trick up until she had properly left the residence.

She should be able to sneak and access his ship, which thankfully wasn't docked at the garrison. Civilians could be useful like that. And once aboard, she'd go through the logs. Hopefully she'd figure out where that old hideout was. Ternes wasn't that tidy and with how old and commonly intoxicated he appeared to be, she doubted that any deep clean of his navigation computer had occurred in the last while. And given how she had unexpectedly killed her Master several years ago, she knew that he had had no opportunity to tie loose ends.