"I'm very expensive though. I hope you know it."

Alienor winked to him and took another sip from her drink.

"This means that I'll need my beauty sleep before the big event, but then kiss sleep goodbye."

They both laughed. It had been weird, albeit in a very good way, how proud and supportive they were of each other. She wasn't typically used to that outside of her friendships.

She had a lot of things to say about the time they had gone their separate ways; but he effectively silenced her. For a moment, she remembered what she had thought would be their last shared moment, before she had stupidly and brashly rushed back to something, someone, who had almost destroyed her. At least, it was behind her at this point, permanently buried thanks to a loved one.

When they caught their breath, her mind reverted back to business options.

"Just tell me you'll avoid Hutt territory. I don't deal with space slugs. As for buying or claiming territory, it might be a power move, as long as you don't get a large criminal organization on your back."