He had been on Ossus since the first Whaladon had landed after parting ways with The Wheel, and he had been among The Wheel before that. For the Nehantite, work was work, and good-paying work was hard enough to come by, so he'd stuck with things and found himself in a position he'd never imagined - Site Foreman.

From being an engine grunt, to ship technician, to electrician, to general construction, Tevit had put his paws on most aspects of physical labor when it came to engineering and fabrication, and what was supposed to have been a contract job as an electrician led to him taking charge of a build site, and eventually displacing the ineffective foreman to wind up running the show. Of course, he'd had help. Structural engineers made many of the big calls, while Tevit managed workers, scheduling, and inventory. Working with a tight crew on run-down starships had instilled in him the ability to judge character, and learn when to trust someone to manage themselves, or their role. Such skills had led to mostly effective leadership, with a hands-off approach to aspects like droid work - he left that to Suri - versus hands-on in areas of his own specialty, such as wiring and electronics.

It was such an approach that found him out of his office much of the time, and somewhere in the colony site, armed with tool belt and satchel, as he was that day. Padding with bare footpaws along the walkway, his soft footfalls allowed him to catch additional snippets of conversation most would miss, including mundane ones about the weather.

"Hoping so," he chuckled. "Gonna need clear weather to install some longer-range transmitters on the roof, up there." Nodding to the tall building next to them, he then smiled to both Serena and Mr... Duck? Pelt? Hyde! That was it, Hyde! "Finally get you all the higher-speed data transmission you've been asking for."